Friday, November 30, 2012

C.C. 5

In a recent episode of Ink Master, a tattoo competition air on Spike Tv, the contestants did a Star Wars themed tattoo that was supposed to show the skill of contrast. I am gonna tell you 1) who won and who lost and 2) why those people won and lost

The winner of this challenge was Tatu Baby with her Yoda head tattoo on the back and the loser, and consiquently the one who got sent home, was Kay Kutta with his Imperial Gaurd tattoo, also a back tattoo.

Now on both of these there are other people could've arguably won or lost is this one. In my opinion i think that Tatu Baby did deserve this win. The loser, however, I think should have been Mark Mathews with his Imperial Soldier head with a cog in the background. His tattoo could have had contrast easily put in and one of the contestants even suggested an idea that would have worked, but he decided to put black with purple. Not a great choice contrast wise if you ask me.

Tatu Baby won with her Yoda head, dubbed the "little green guy," because she used her colors to create great contrast and made the lines on the head really "pop," which is a good thing for a contrast challeng. Kay lost because the Guard was all red with a flat, dark background that, by no means, impressed the judges and he had been in the bottom of the group basicly since day one, so it was his time to go, at least that's what the judges thought.

I admit that the tattoo wasn't spectacular, but the worst one? I dont think so. As i said eariler, Kay's looked way better, in my humble opinion, than Mark's did. Plus Kay showed WAY more improvement in his tattoos than Mark did. Kay needed to work on his outlines, he improved them. Mark came in week after giving unfortunate "canvasis," as the people getting tattooed are refered to as in the show, dark, mediocer tattoos.

I could go on and on about why this person should have won or lost but there is a morale to get out of this story. Life isn't fair. You could be the absolute best at what you do. Second to none, and still have someone picked over you just because (insert excuse here.) At the end of the day you just got to take what you got and roll with it. If you don't like it, by all means, do whatever you can to change it to a more likable situation.

C.C. 4

In a post on the cite entitle Congo's M23 Rebels Threaten to Take Goma, the post tells its readers a few things. Two of those things are 1) Why they rebelion took place and 2) how this is effecting the other countries.

In the article it is said that the rebels are "dissatisfied by recent events in Goma." They later go on to say when they see civilians, no matter their affilitions, beign mistreated and the government, is not stopping it, then they, the M23, will step in for the good of the civilians.

If this is what's actually going on and the M23 is doing this for the public's safety then i can understand why they are doing this. If i had the power to help a ciry from being mistreated i would do it without a second thought. If they are doing this for power though, then they are just like every other power hungry group out there.

It also says that the neighboring country, Rwanda, might be offering support to these rebels. This has caused 30 million dollars in support money to be susppended from Great Britain to Rwanda. Also the fighting between the rebels and the Congolian army has apparently caused harm to the Rwanda people and one person has died from this.

I think that this is a horrible thing but the post later goes on to say that it might, in fact, be Rwanda firing into its own city and claiming thats it's "fallout" of the fighting. If this is true than that is a far worse thing to happen. A government killing its own people for its advancement.

Unfortunatly this sort of thing happens throughout the world. The civilians struggles going unnoticed by its government. Sometimes even caused by their government. As i said earlier, if the M23 are doing this to help the people, then i support them 100%. If they are doing this for their own personal gain however, i hope they get shut down and taken care of so the people are no longer futher troubled by the greed of this group.

Monday, November 5, 2012

C.C. 3

In a recent post by Eric Pfieffer on Yahoo! News entitled "The Most Indebted Man In The World Owes Former Employer Billions" it tells how this man got in debt and how much exactly he owes.

The article says that the former employee, Jerome Kerviel, used "a sophisticated scheme of computer hacking and deceptive trades" to handle approxitmatly 73 billion in unadjusted dollors while working for the Societe Generale corporation. That was a pretty gutsy move that, unfortunatly for him, didn't turn out so good for Jerome.

The article also state that the amount he owes is 6.8 billion dollors. That much money, if they were assests, would make him one of the 50 richest people in america. I wonder what was going through his head when he decided to do this. Yea it's a lot of money but he will NEVER be able to pay this off in his lifetime

I'm pretty sure a person could look in a newspaper at any given time a see a story like this, maybe not on this scale but still. I understand that it's a lot of money, but is it really worth throwing you're life away?

I geuss the question we all have to ask ourselfs is, What would you do in that situation? Would you do your job, or would you steal the money?