Wednesday, February 13, 2013

C.C. 3: Gender Roles (2nd sem. gender roles)

In Suzanne Venker's article "To be Happy, We Must Admit Women and Men Aren't 'Equal'" she informs readers of two things. 1) How the gender rolls of society were and 2) how they are now.  I'm pretty sure that the people reading this, if there is any, have there own opinion on this matter but I geuss I'll never know. So, on to the story.

When people think of a women's role in society, let's say, 20 years back, it was more than likely a little something like this. Women were to find a good man, marry him, have kids, cook and clean. Now, yes, some women still do that and it is a very honorable role and, as my mother has told me countless time, not a very easy one.

Now days you find some women are the ones out working and the men at home. You see more women with jobs and even thier own businesses. Why? Here's the reason. Females in today's culture are told to be strong and independent and don't submit to the will of men. Now, I don't see the problem for both the man and a woman to have a job and a family if they are happy, but, as Suzanne later goes on to say, this way of thinking can cause trouble and eventually lead to "a battle about whom does more on the home front and how they’re going to get everything done. That’s not a marriage. That’s war." At least according to Suzanne that is.

Honestly, I don't care which way it goes. Being an engadged man myself, I do not believe a woman's place is "in the kitchen" as some would say. If she chooses to be there, fine. That's good for her if she wants to do that. On the other hand, if my fiancee wants to go get a job and work, I'm not gonna stop her because it really does not matter. I think if both people work, that's more money and, hopefully, better lives. That's my opinion on the matter. If you, the reader, wanna state yours then that's what the comment section is for. Feel free to write 'till your hearts content.

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