Friday, November 30, 2012

C.C. 4

In a post on the cite entitle Congo's M23 Rebels Threaten to Take Goma, the post tells its readers a few things. Two of those things are 1) Why they rebelion took place and 2) how this is effecting the other countries.

In the article it is said that the rebels are "dissatisfied by recent events in Goma." They later go on to say when they see civilians, no matter their affilitions, beign mistreated and the government, is not stopping it, then they, the M23, will step in for the good of the civilians.

If this is what's actually going on and the M23 is doing this for the public's safety then i can understand why they are doing this. If i had the power to help a ciry from being mistreated i would do it without a second thought. If they are doing this for power though, then they are just like every other power hungry group out there.

It also says that the neighboring country, Rwanda, might be offering support to these rebels. This has caused 30 million dollars in support money to be susppended from Great Britain to Rwanda. Also the fighting between the rebels and the Congolian army has apparently caused harm to the Rwanda people and one person has died from this.

I think that this is a horrible thing but the post later goes on to say that it might, in fact, be Rwanda firing into its own city and claiming thats it's "fallout" of the fighting. If this is true than that is a far worse thing to happen. A government killing its own people for its advancement.

Unfortunatly this sort of thing happens throughout the world. The civilians struggles going unnoticed by its government. Sometimes even caused by their government. As i said earlier, if the M23 are doing this to help the people, then i support them 100%. If they are doing this for their own personal gain however, i hope they get shut down and taken care of so the people are no longer futher troubled by the greed of this group.

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